So, first of all if you want a strong shoulder then you have to have a strong base. The base of the shoulder is the rotator cuff. I see so many athletes and nonathletes that have muscle imbalance of the shoulder.
Their pecs, traps and deltoid are plenty strong, but they have lost balance. The rotator cuff whose job it is to keep the ball of the arm bone situated in the joint is not strong enough to fulfill the mission. There it is, I said it.
That is why 40 million americans have shoulder pain.
I my opinion there are 2 ways to strengthen the shoulder. Either jump rope with regularity about 10 minutes 4 times a week, or use my product called the Rotatoreliever 4 minutes a day everyday.
My product also has a nighttime component, but you only need that if you are already having shoulder pain. Telling most people to jump rope is like telling them to chew on glass.
They look at me like I am nuts. OK, those people can just buy my product, no problem. I have an admission to make. For years I thought protein powders were bunk. Just eat right and work out and you will do fine. But alas, the research has finally convinced me that I have erred in my ways.
Protein powders are important, particularly for old guys like me. At 43 I am not that good at building muscle. My body needs as much help as it can get. The old guys and girls are the ones that need protein powder the most.
Consider the following. Skeletal muscle represents 50-75% of all body proteins and approximately 40% of total body weight. In addition to sheer volume, muscle possesses numerous vital functions such as for generation, temperature regulation, energy metabolism, amino acid reserves, immune function. In addition, the loss of muscle mass with advancing age (sarcopenia) is quickly becoming recognized as a major health concern as it has been linked to increasing disability, loss of independence, and decreased life expectancy. RESISTANCE EXERCISE AND THE REGULATION OF MUSCLE PROTEIN SYNTHESIS (mps). Resistance exercise stimulates and increase in the rate of muscle protein synthesis. The increase in MPS occurs within the first hour after exercise and can persist for 48 hours.
AEROBIC EXERCISE AND TEH REGULATION OF MUSCLE PROTEIN SYNTHESIS Acute aerobic exercise stimulates MPS in the the fasted and sed states, while chronic aerobic exercise siims to elicit an increase in MPS at rest. Aerobic exercise primarily increases the mitochondrial protein synthesis (making the muscles you have stronger and more efficient) instead of myofibrillar protein synthesis (muscle mass).
AGING AND RESISTANCE TRAINING Muscle loss observed in aging seems related to not building muscle in response to resistance training like the younger. ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS (EAA) AND THE REGULATION OF THE MPS Amino acids have been shown to stimulate a muscle protein anabolic respone.
The stimulation of MPS last 1-2 hours after EAA ingestion. Of the EAA luecine has received considerable attention becouse of its ability to independently stimulate MPS. AGING AND EAAS The devil is in the details. MPS is stimulated in older adults after ingestion of leucine-enriched supplement (6.7 g of EAA, 41% leucine), but with EAA (6.7 g of EAA, 26% leucine) MPS was not stimulated. In young people it did not matter. So the older folks appear to need at least 41% leucine in their supplements. Further, small meals of protein (113g of lean beef) stimulated MPS and large meals of protein (340g of lean beef) did not.
This suggests that saving your protein intake for one meal a day is not a good idea. Also ingestion of 6 g of EAAon hour after resistance exercise dramtically increased MPS. Some studies have shown that ingestion of 20g of protein after exercise results in similar stimulation of MPS. CONCLUSION Work out.
Eat protien or essential amino acid supplement (high in leucine) 1-2 hours before and 1 hour after resistance training.